Péterfy Bori Love Band / Unique t-shirts design
T-shirt design for re-branding

Client: Péterfy Bori Love Band
Industry: Entertainment, Music, Media
Country: Hungary
Project details
Péterfy Bori Love Band is one of the most successful bands in Hungary.
The band came out with the new album and brand outlook in 2017.
Artamax designed unique t-shirts for the band.
The face idea is the classic idol presentation, where Bori presented in a sexy and vamp style.
The other concept connected to new BoriXApp. The style is classic super hero, but executed in vector drawings, which brings back the IT feeling.
To buy it please visit the band's webshop at bolt.peterfybori.hu
Unique silver style

Péterfy Bori

Bat style with white print

Unisex t-shirts

For gents also:)

Concepts for super hero t-shirts

The superhero!!

...and Robin

Solutions provided
Project team
Art-Director: Timár András
Design: Béres Mónika, Timár András
Management: Béres Mónika, Timár András
Team: Béres Mónika, Timár András
Other works for this Client
Get in touch!
- International clients (English):
+36 30 231-1512 | Vadim Ostapenko
- Clients in Hungary (Hungarian)
+36 30 495-6522