Bakaliko Crete Gastronomy Store Website

Gastronomy store website design and development

Client: Bakaliko Crete Gastronomy Store

Industry: Food, Wine

Country: Greece

Project details

Bakaliko Crete is a deli (grocery and eatery) which brings fine foods and wines from Crete and the rest of Greece. Company is aiming  to increase awareness of the superior quality and diversity of Greek products. It is a place where all dishes are made from the quality products that you can buy from the store. 

Artamax has designed and developed a new website together with the mobile (responsive) version.

Project team

Art-Director: Vadim Ostapenko

Design: Vadim Ostapenko



Other works for this Client

Bakaliko Crete Mobile Website

Client: Bakaliko Crete Gastronomy Store

Gastronomy store responsive (mobile) website design and development

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